Special Words and Terms

Bolthorn: The frost giant of the mountain people. Maternal grandfather of Odin.

bracer: A cuff or arm guard to protect an archer’s forearm from the bowstring.

Chiniferra: The holy book of the Sulerians, Turajii, and Quarajii; believed by the devout to be the literal word of God.

Clanough: Meeting of clans from different valleys.

consumption: Tuberculosis; a chronic wasting disease of the lungs with a likelihood of death if untreated.

cuirass: Armor that covers the chest. In this case, padded leather for practice with sword and staff.

daemonberry: A small bushy fruit that grows best in the winter. The fruit has a flavor of liquor and thyme due to the high concentration of alcohol. The concentration increases as it gets colder.

dilettante: Someone concerned with unimportant things.

Eastern Eighth: Just as “quarters” describe sections of Branwyn, “eighths” describe one-half of a quarter; in this case, half of the Cathedral Quarter.

flitterbie: A winged four-legged flier, about the size of the hand. They are very colorful and omnivorous, with a diet mainly of wheezits, jenalei, and daemonberry.

Fólkvangr: The heaven for those fallen in battle who will enjoy eternity with Freya rather than Odin.

Freya / Frigg: Queen of the gods. In some regions of Juro, Frigg is an aspect of, or sister of, Freya; goddess of love and hope; in some sects is another name for the One God.

graxes: A two-legged, wingless raptor about the length of a person’s arm.

jenalei: A small white plant with a high concentration of alcohol in the sap, that thrives in the cold and winter. The open leaves catch seeds drifting past and store them in a pod of neutral fluid that preserves them. It grows everywhere but the glaciers and the lowlands of the South and North.

Juro: The World

kata: A training exercise consisting of a pattern of set moves, often with weapons.

moon(s): Three moons orbit Juro, each with various names depending on the culture.
Lon: Mother Moon. The largest of Juro’s three moons, with the largest orbital period. A reflection of Lakshmi, epitomizing fertility and abundance; aids in the preservation of the world.
Elein: Sister Moon. Smaller than Lon, with a slightly faster orbital period. Reflection of Radha, epitomizing community and civilization.
Fures: Brother Moon, the demon moon, or the war moon. Smallest of the three moons but brightest, with a red cast. A reflection on the courage and strength of Durgha.

Norns: Beings who decide the fates of gods and men.

Odin: King of the gods of the mountain folk and provinces.

packet boat: A small ship with a regular schedule. In this case from Stoneport on the south coast to Ravenna.

semaphores: Unique tattoos around the eyes or on the temples that mark the wearer as a dragon Rider. Sometimes laced with iridescent pigments that glow with the Rider’s emotions, they help to communicate with the dragons.

Sessrúmnir: The hall of Freya in Fólkvangr (heaven).

stenifer: Tree with high alcohol/alcohol sap and wide branches like a fir tree.

Thores and Edmund: Mythical heroes of Altona and the Provinces.

tree resins: In this instance, myrrh from a small tree used as medicine.

Valhalla: The heaven of those fallen in battle and chosen by the Valkyrie to enjoy eternity with Odin.

Valkyrie: Female goddesses who chose from those who die in battle who will spend eternity with Freya in Fólkvangr or await Ragnarök with Odin in Valhalla. In stories often portrayed with wings or riding winged horses.

vambrace: Armor to protect the forearms and wrists; padded leather for practice with weapons.

wheezit: Winged flier with six legs and four wings, about the size of a person’s little finger; they serve to pollinate the native plants.

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